Another great song by you... You're definitely one of the best artists on NG...
Another great song by you... You're definitely one of the best artists on NG...
I thought the 16-bit sound sound was kick ass. Although you're right about it needing a little more punch. Either way it was still pretty cool. BTW, what program did you use to make this?
Thanks! Glad ya' liked it. Loops pretty well too, I find. I used FL8, like I do for all my stuff, but I exclusively used Setzer's SPC soundfont for this song, it's an excellent rip of a great deal of SNES sample banks. If you're interested, you should be able to find it easily enough just Googling it, but feel free to ask me if you're having trouble.
Moving on, I've pretty much decided I'm going to remix it, make it really powerful. Hope you'll come back and hear through that version when it's done. Thanks for the review, Werge666. :D
Pretty Good
That was pretty good, would go great with a puzzle/mind game. Also, just curious, what program did you use to make this?
Not Bad, But Too Short
It has a nice vibe to it, and is very relaxing. But is way too short, would be a lot better if it were longer...
Joined on 8/16/08